Monday, January 18, 2010

Weekly Kindergarten Memo
January 19th-22nd

Bible: Satan and the Temptation of Jesus

Memory Verse: Hh-“Honor thy father and thy mother.” Exodus 20:12

Share Letter of the Week: Hh

Phonics: This week we will review blends and write the blends. We will also identify the vowel in single-vowel words.

Handwriting: We will continue to join consonants to vowels. More homework will be sent home this week.

Math: We will learn how long a minute and an hour are. We will compare digital and analog clocks. (Time and money are hard concepts for Kindergarteners to grasp. Please work with your child on these concepts at home. We will start learning about money soon).

Science: We will learn about wind, fall, winter, and how plants grow.

Important Notices!

*100th Day of School-February 5th,2010- The 100th Day of School is quickly approaching. We will be having a party on that day. More information is soon to follow.

*100th Day of School Glasses- This week foam cut-out of the number 100 will be sent home. Please decorate appropriately and put on elastic to turn them into glasses. You do NOT have to bring these back to school when you have finished, but have your child wear them to school on Friday, February 5th.

*Aquarium of the Pacific-Wednesday, February 10th- We are going on our 3rd field trip 2/10/01. Permission slips have been sent home. The cost for the field trip is $10 per child, and $6 per adult. If you have a pass, you only need to send in $4 for your child’s gas money. All parents are welcome. Please turn in your permission slip and money by Friday, February 5th, 2010.

*Grandparents Day- Friday, February 12th

*February Holidays- No School-Monday, February 15th

*Rainbow Sight Words- This week a list of about 40 sight words will be sent home with your child. Sight words are words that are not spelled phonetically. There will be 6 different colors of sight words (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple). Each color will have 6-8 sight words. Once your child learns all of the words in one color, they will read all of the words to me. Each time they pass a color, they will get to color in that color of their rainbow. When their rainbow is complete, they will have learned up to 40 sight words!

*Outerwear- All outerwear must be GCS colors and have no insignia on it.

*Snacks- Please remember to pack your child a snack every day. We have snack daily at 9:50a.m.

*Nap Blanket- Please send your child to school with a small towel or blanket to nap with.

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