Sunday, January 3, 2010

Kindergarten Weekly Memo
January 4th- January 8th

Bible: Life of David

Memory Verse- F-“Fear not: for I am with thee.” Isaiah 43:5

Sharing Letter- Mm- This week we will be sharing items that
start with the letter Mm.
Monday- Red Row
Tuesday- Red and Orange Row
Wednesday- Yellow Row
Thursday- Green Row
Friday- Blue and Purple Row

Phonics: This week we will start our reading groups. Each group will be pulled to work with me during
their independent working time. As a class we will focus on listing for vowels in the
middle of words and we will learn the “nd” blend.
Please remember to review the ladders with your child. Practice spelling/
sounding out small words with your child. Words such
as: hen, leg, can, bag, well, sock, duck, kick, gas, bug, jet, ham, cob, van, dig.

Here is a website with Dr. Fry’s first 100 Sight Words\
Handwriting: We will begin to learn how to write our names in cursive. We are switching to smaller
print and to smaller, regular sized pencils. We will continue joining letters and
writing small words.

Math: This week we will begin Chapter 5. We will learn to how identify morning, afternoon and
evening, put the days of the week in order and learn the months of the year.

Science: We will continue to learn about God’s plan for weather.


*I sent home with your child their pencil box. If you could replace the missing items, that would be wonderful. I do have supplies, but not enough for the whole class. I realize that you probably don’t have a list of things needed, so here is a list of things that would be helpful:
-a glue bottle (no sticks please)
-colored pencils
-a few small (regular size) pencils
I have a class set of scissors and an electric pencil sharpener. If your child could have all of their supplies by next week, that would be wonderful.

*We begin our reading groups this week. There is no homework for reading groups. Please take time to read to your child every night. Reading to your child will help their reading fluency.

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