Monday, October 26, 2009

Q2-1 Weekly Memo

Miss Nenadov’s Kindergarten Weekly Memo

Bible- Heaven-A Beautiful Home

Memory Verse: Ll –“Look unto me, and be ye saved.” Isaiah 45:22

Phonics- Continue with Dd and learn Gg. We are learning how to spell small
words such as; bed, dad, mom, it and dog. This week is the first
week that we will have sight words. Our two sight words for
this week are the and a. (Sight words are words that don’t
follow the phonetic rules).

Handwriting- Continue with cursive d and introduce cursive g.

Math- We will continue learning how to count, recognize, represent, and
name three, four and five. We will also be learning ordinal

Science- Continue learning our five senses.


*Our field trip is this Thursday, the 29th! We are scheduled to leave at 8:30am! Please have your child here by 8:00 with their booster seat. I’ve posted a checklist for our field trip.

*This Friday is Facilities Appreciation Day! Please sign up if you would like to bring in a snack for our facilities team to enjoy.

*This week is the first week of Quarter 2. Report cards should be mailed home within the next two weeks.

*Memorizing the Bible verse is part of your child’s Bible grade. Please work with them at home on their verse.

*Homework on Monday Night!

*Friday, November 6th – Make –Up Picture Day

*Friday, November 20th-American Heritage Day

*November 23rd-27th-Thanksgiving Break

Field Trip Checklist

Underwood Family Farms &
Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

We are set to go on our field trip this Thursday, October 29th.

Please Remember:
1. Have your child here by 8:00am
2. Drop your child off with their booster seat
3. Pack a sack lunch for your child
4. Pack water for your child
4. Jeans are okay to wear
5. Your child MUST wear their field trip shirt
6. Backpacks are not needed
7. No extra money is needed
8. We will be back at school by 2:45pm

Friday, October 23, 2009

Underwood Family Farm Field Trip

Our field trip has been re-rescheduled for this coming up THURSDAY, October 29th! Please let me know if you are still able to drive/chaperone. I will send home another flyer early next week.

Facilities Appreciation

Facilities Appreciation

Dear Parents,

October is the month for Kindergarten to show appreciation to our facilities team here at Grace Community School. As you all know, the facilities department does A LOT for our class. They clean up ALL of our messes. ALL of them!
On Friday, October 30th, we would like to plan a special day for the facilities team. Our class will make cards for the facilities team and we would like to have special “treats” for them as well. If you would be willing to bring in food for our facilities team to enjoy, let me know. I will be standing outside each day at dismissal with a sign-up sheet. If you can contribute, that would be wonderful. Since we have a large class, not every family will need to contribute, but the more the better!

Thank You!

Miss Nenadov

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Kindergarten Weekly Memo

Quarter 1, Week 9

Bible: We will review Noah’s Ark and learn about the
Tower of Babel.

Memory Verse- Tt- Genesis 16:13-“Thou God seest me.”
(We will remain on our Tt verse this week. We will test on Friday).

Phonics: We will be reviewing all vowels and learning the
consonants Cc and Dd. Please remember to review
the ladders with your child.

Handwriting: We will continue to practice all of the vowels,
introduce the lower-case consonants c and d, and
continue joining two letters together.

Math: This week we will continue Chapter 3. We will focus on
the concept of less, and learn how to recognize,
count and name the concepts of 1, 2 and 3.

Science: We will learn about God’s plan for us and our 5

Important Notices:

*Underwood Family Farm Field Trip- Has been postponed until Thursday, November 5th. Please let me know if you are still able to drive and chaperone. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

*Our class is heading up Facilities Appreciation at the end of the month. We will be making thank you cards for the facilities team and I will be sending home a sign-up sheet asking you, the parents, to bring in a food item for them to enjoy. Look for the flyer this week, and check the blog!

*We will have homework on Tuesday and Thursday night this week. Please help your child with their homework and have them return it the next day.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Underwood Pumpkin Patch Field Trip CANCELLED!!!

Because of the rainy weather, Underwood Family Farms is NOT doing tours tomorrow. Our field trip has been CANCELLED!

We are rescheduled for November 5th!

More to follow later!

Field Trip Tomorrow!

We are ON for our field trip tomorrow. The forecast says that it will be partly cloudy with a high of 81 degrees! :)



Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Homework Tonight!

There is handwriting homework tonight! Please work with your child to complete page 26. Make sure that they are sitting properly, facing forward with both feet on the floor. Go over proper pencil grip with them and use the slant guide if needed.

Please have your child put the completed homework page back in their folder and return it to school tomorrow.

If possible, please have them use a "fat" pencil. A larger pencil assits them in developing their fine motor skills; it gives them more control over their work. :)


Monday, October 12, 2009

Weather Forecast for Thursday!

Thursday's forecast for Moorpark is cloudy with a high of 74 degrees. Please be sure to send your child to school with a sweater/rain jacket if needed. I will let you know if/when the forecast changes.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Quarter 1,Week 8!

Kindergarten Weekly Memo
October 12th-October 16th

Bible: We will continue Noah’s Ark.
Memory Verse- Tt- Genesis 16:13-“Thou God seest me.”

Phonics: We will be reviewing all vowels and learning the
consonants Hh and Ss. Your child should be able to
identify each letter, both capital and lowercase, and
know its sound. (Please see older posts for examples
of sentences and blends).

Handwriting: We will continue to practice all of the vowels,
introduce the lower-case consonants h and s, and
continue joining two letters together.

Math: This week we are starting Chapter 3. We will
be learning one-to-one correspondence, how
to identify and create equal and more sets.

Social Studies: We will start Social Studies this week and we
will be focusing on our community and community

Important Notices:

*Underwood Family Farm Field Trip- Thursday, October 15th. Please make sure to get in your child’s permission slip along with $13 cash. If I do not have a permission slip for your child, you will get another one tomorrow. The cost is $13 for your child and $8 if you are attending as a chaperone. A flyer will be sent home tomorrow as a reminder!

*Our class is heading up Facilities Appreciation at the end of the month. We will be making thank you cards for the facilities team and I will be sending home a sign-up sheet asking you, the parents, to bring in a food item for them to enjoy. Look for notices in the near future.

Friday, October 9, 2009

A Few Things

*I did send homework home tonight. If you can have your child complete it and return it, that would be wonderful. Please help them on it if they need help. I know that it's Friday and that it's the weekend. If you can't get it done, don't worry about it. I will try to not send homework home on Fridays. I apologize. I lost track of the days. :)

*We didn't have time to test Bible verses today. So on Monday your child will recite their Romans 3:23 verse. You have an extra weekend to study. :)

Underwood Farms and Pumpkin Patch
Field Trip Reminder

*Thursday, October 15th is our field trip!
*Please have your child to school by 8:00am!
*Don’t forget their booster seat!
*We will leave promptly at 8:30am.
*Your child must be wearing their yellow GCS field trip shirt!
*Jeans are OKAY!
*Pack a sack lunch for your child. Be sure to include a bottle of water for them.
*No backpacks needed!
*Put sunscreen on your child before you drop them off at school.
*We will be back to school by 2:45pm.

If You Are Driving or Chaperoning
*You also need to wear a yellow GCS field trip shirt!
*PLEASE be here by 8:00am with a tank full of gas.
*All booster seats and lunches will be collected out by the playground.
*At 8:10am the kids will come into class. Please come into class with us at that time. We will go over rules, have one last potty break and then I will send them out with you by groups. Pick up their seats and start loading.
*Directions and gas money will be handed out as I send you out of the room with your group.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Few Updates!

* If you are planning on attending the field trip, you MUST purchase a yellow field trip shirt from the office. The cost is $10.

*Driver information for the field trip will be handed out tomorrow!

*I will soon have an extra supply of snacks in the classroom. If you child does not have a snack, I will supply them with one. If you do NOT wish for me to give your child a snack when they are missing one, please tell me.

*Today were received our first two class "pets"! We have Luigi, a Pitcher Plant, and Guido, a Venus Fly Trap. We are quite excited about your new additions!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Kindergarten Weekly Memo
October 5th-October 9th

Bible: Enoch, Noah and the Ark

Memory Verse- Aa: Romans 3:23- “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”

Phonics: We will be reviewing all vowels and learning the consonants Nn, Mm, Hh. The goal is for your child toknow the name, sound and sentence for each letterthat we learn. They should also be able to blendtwo letters together.


Aa Sentence: A says a, as in apple. A says a,a,a.
Ee Sentence: E says e, as in elephant. E says e,e,e.
Ii Sentence: I says i, as in Indian. I says i,i,i.
Oo Sentence: O says o, as in ostrich. O says o,o,o.
Uu Sentence: U says u, as in umbrella. U says u,u,u.
Tt Sentence: T says t, as in tiger. T says t,t,t.

(I think you get the idea. You can be creative and make up your own sentences to help your child).

Handwriting: We will continue to practice all of the vowels,introduce the lower-case consonants n,m,h and continue joining two letters together.

Math: This week we will continue with patters. Your child will be identifying and expanding patterns and positions, as well as creating their own patterns.

Important Notices:

*Thank You for getting in your child’s emergency card!

*Underwood Family Farm Field Trip- Thursday, October 15th.
Please turn in your child’s field trip form if you have not done so already!
We do have enough drivers. THANK YOU!! I will let you know if you have been chosen to drive. If you are not needed to drive but would still like to attend as a chaperone that is okay. I will try and hand out the driving lists at dismissal this week.

*Next week is the end of the first quarter and your child will soon receive their first Kindergarten report card! This week, Miss Taylor and I will be quizzing your child on their sounds. We will send home a sheet to let you know how they did. Please review any sounds with your child that they may struggle with. Your help at home is GREATLY appreciated!!

Philippians 4:4-8- “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”