Sunday, April 25, 2010

Miss Nenadov’s Kindergarten Weekly Memo
April 26th-April 30th

SAT Testing April 26th-April 29th

Due to the intensity and mental stamina of testing, the teaching will be light this week.

*No memory verse
*No homework (reading or written)
*No sharing

This week we will be testing in the mornings. Here is a tentative schedule.

Monday- Sound and Letters, Word Reading
Tuesday-Sentence Reading, Mathematics
Wednesday-Environment, Listening to Words and Stories
Thursday- Make-up testing and Field Trip
Friday- Make-up testing

How You Can Help Prepare Your Child

*Healthy breakfast
*Plenty of rest
*Arrive at school on time
*Encourage first time listening and focusing as the test requires both

El Capitan Oceans Field Trip
Thursday, April 29th
*Please turn in permission slip and money ASAP
*Room for a few more chaperones
*Note the late return time- 3:30PM
*Booster Seat
*Sack Lunch- NO HOT LUNCH!
*Yellow field Trip shirt
*Jeans OKAY

The cafeteria has requested that you provide a spoon, fork or straw for your child if they need one. Too many Kindergarteners have been going to the cafeteria to pick up such utensils.

Monday, May 3rd- No School

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Miss Nenadov’s Kindergarten Weekly Memo
April 19th-April 23rd

Jesus Heals Ten Lepers
Lazarus and the Rich Man
The Rich Young Ruler

*Your child’s Bible grade comes mainly from how well they can recite the weekly verse! Please practice with them at home. Each Friday your child stands in front of their peers and they recite the weekly verse! They are graded on how well they know their verse, including the REFERENCE!

Memory Verse: Letter Vv-
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the
Father in my name, He will give it you.”
John 16:23

Sharing Letter- Long Ii (e.g. ice, bike, mice, rice)
*The long Ii sound does not have to come at the beginning

Sharing Day Schedule

Monday- Summer and Fall, A-D
Tuesday- Summer and Fall, A-D and E-J
Wednesday- K-P
Thursday- Q-V
Friday-Winter and Spring, W-Z

Phonics- We will continue learning special sounds this week and blends. We will practice three letter special sounds and their blends. We will also learn the special sounds: or, ch, ou. We will also practice circling the blends and marking the vowels in words.

Handwriting- We will review capital cursive alphabet and we will learn capital Hh and Gg.

Math-We will finish Chapter 8 on subtraction. The last four weeks of school will be spent learning shapes and number to 30.

Science- Animals

Class Work/Homework Schedule

There will be homework packets sent home these last few weeks of school. They will contain the few phonics, handwriting and math pages that we were unable to cover in class. The packets will be sent home on Monday and they will be due on Friday. Your child will receive a grade for their homework. The packets will reinforce skills learned in class and they will give you the opportunity to see how your child is thinking and processing the concepts being taught.

Please continue to read with your child on Tuesday and Thursday nights.


*No More Naps- Your child will no longer be taking a nap after lunch. Instead, they will put their heads down on their desks for 15-20 minutes and rest. I will be sure to send home their blankets with them.

*Rainbow Sight Words- Please practice the rainbow sight words with your child! If you lose your list, please check the blog. They are posted! These sight words are going to last us for the rest of the school year. When your child learns all of their sight words, they will get to choose a smencil (smelly pencil) as their reward!

*Last Field Trip- Please turn in your child’s permission slip and money for our field trip on Thursday, April 29th. We will be going to the El Capitan Theatre to watch Disney’s Oceans. We have room for 4 more chaperones. We don’t need any more drivers, but if you are interested in being a chaperone, please let me know. The cost per chaperone is $8.

*Art Festival- Thank you for bringing in jars for the art festival. The candle lanterns look very cute and they will be displayed hanging from a tree. Please come in the Art Festival on Monday, April 20th at 7:00PM.

*Pizza Party- Your kids have won a pizza party for this Friday, April 23rd. The Kindergarteners raise the 2nd highest amount of money for the Walk-a-Thon! Great Job! No lunch needed for Friday, but please provide your child with a snack.

*SAT Testing- Yes, your child will be taking the SATs. I have not seen the tests, and I am not familiar with the Kindergarten version of the test yet. We will be testing the week of April 26th-30th. The tests will not take all 5 days and they will not take all day either. I would like to give the tests the first thing in the morning while the kids are still fresh. Please bring your child to school that week and be as punctual as possible! :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Miss Nenadov’s Kindergarten Weekly Memo
April 12th-April 16th

Jesus Stills the Storm
The Transfiguration
Jesus and the Lepers

*Your child’s Bible grade comes mainly from how well they can recite the weekly verse! Please practice with them at home. Each Friday your child stands in front of their peers and they recite the weekly verse! They are graded on how well they know their verse, including the REFERENCE!

Memory Verse: Letter Qq-

The original Qq Bible verse used an odd translation, so we will be learning the NASB translation below. 

1 Corinthians 16:13 (New American Standard Bible)
13Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

Sharing Letter- Long Ee (e.g. eagle, Easter, leaf, street, feet)
*The long Ee sound does not have to come at the beginning

Sharing Day Schedule

Monday- Summer and Fall, A-D
Tuesday- Summer and Fall, A-D and E-J
Wednesday- K-P
Thursday- Q-V
Friday-Winter and Spring, W-Z

Phonics- We will continue learning special sounds this week and blends. We will practice sight words and learn the new “thr” blend and “ar” sound. We will focus reading words that have 2-3 letter blends at the begging.

Handwriting- We will review capital cursive alphabet and we will learn capital Ll. We will also practice writing Bible sentences in cursive.

Math-We will continue Chapter 8 on subtraction. If you would like extra math practice for your child, be sure to send me a note! We only have 3 more chapters until the end of the school year!

Science- Animals

Class Work/Homework Schedule

Here is a list of the class work that your child will be doing each day. If they do not complete the work, it will be sent home as homework. There is only OFFICAL Reading homework each Tuesday and Thursday. Everything else sent home will be uncompleted class work. (Science papers do not need to be returned).

Phonics: Pages 175-176
Handwriting: Story about what they did during the week.
Math: Pages H17-H18

Phonics: No worksheet
Math: Pages H19-H20
Reading: Read for 20 minutes. You DO NOT have to return the books with stickers on them! Please return the other readers.

Phonics: Pages 179-180
Handwriting: Pages 159-160
Math: Pages H21-H22

Phonics: No worksheet
Handwriting: Write sentence for Bible story
Math: Pages H23-H24
Reading: Read for 20 minutes.

Phonics: Pages 183-184
Handwriting: Pages 163-164
Math: Pages H25-H26


This is the homestretch. We are now in Quarter 4. There are 6 more weeks of school left.

*Rainbow Sight Words- Please practice the rainbow sight words with your child! If you lose your list, please check the blog. They are posted! These sight words are going to last us for the rest of the school year. When your child learns all of their sight words, they will get to choose a smencil (smelly pencil) as their reward!

*Last Field Trip- For our last field trip we will be going to the El Capitan Theatre to watch Disney’s Oceans! The date is set for Thursday, April 29th at 12:30PM. We will leave school at 11:30AM and by back by the end of the day.

*Art Festival- We will hopefully start and complete our candle jar this Thursday. I do have a few extra jars. Let me know if you are unable to get/find a glass jar and I will gladly provide one for your child.