Sunday, January 10, 2010

Kindergarten Weekly Memo
January 11th- January 15th

Bible: The Baptism of Jesus

Memory Verse- “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31
Sharing Letter- Bb- This week we will be sharing items that
start with the letter Bb.
Monday- Red Row
Tuesday- Red and Orange Row
Wednesday- Yellow Row
Thursday- Green Row
Friday- Blue and Purple Row

Phonics: This week we will continue reading groups. We will read short words that start with
vowels, review blends, learn what it means to “spell” a word and practice our sight words.
Coming Soon- A list of sight words that you can practice with your child at home!

Handwriting: We will continue writing our names in cursive and joining cursive letters together.
*There will be cursive homework this week. The more practice your child gets, the better!

Math: This week we will continue Chapter 5. We will learn how to order events, tell the difference
between hours and minutes, estimate time and read a calendar.

Science: We will finish God’s plan for weather and review fall and winter.


*I sent home with your child their pencil box. If you could replace the missing items, that would be wonderful. I do have supplies, but not enough for the whole class. I realize that you probably don’t have a list of things needed, so here is a list of things that would be helpful:
-a glue bottle (no sticks please)
-colored pencils
-a few small (regular size) pencils
I have a class set of scissors and an electric pencil sharpener. If your child could have all of their supplies by next week, that would be wonderful.

*Reading Groups- We will be using both consumable and non-consumable books in class. The consumable books will be sent home and they do NOT need to be returned. Please read these books with your child.

*Handwriting- Homework will be sent home this week. Please have your child trace and write the letters and words. Be sure to help them with their formation and please check their pencil grip.

*Snacks-Please remember to send your child to school with a snack.

*Nap-Please make sure that your child’s blanket is not too large. I am unable to close the cupboards if the blankets are too large. It is nearly impossible to fit a blanket and a pillow in the small space.

*Be sure to check and see if your child’s outerwear meets the dress code. Please forgive me for leading you astray in an earlier posting. I was misinformed.

*We are 19 days away from the 100th day of school. More information to follow soon!

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