Sunday, February 7, 2010

Miss Nenadov’s Kindergarten Weekly Memo

Bible- The First Miracles of Jesus

*Your child’s Bible grade comes mainly from how well they can recite the weekly verse! Please practice with them at home. Each Friday your child stands in front of their peers and they recite the weekly verse! They are graded on how well they know their verse, including the REFERENCE!

Memory Verse: Letter Gg - “God is love.” I John 4:8

Sharing Letter-Gg

*Your child has a new carpet square. Please note their new sharing day!

Monday- Red
Tuesday- Red and Orange
Wednesday- Yellow
Friday-Blue and Purple

Phonics- We will start learning about long vowels this week. The majority of the week will be spent reviewing short vowels, but long vowels will be introduced this week. We will continue with reading groups as well.

Handwriting- We will review capital Aa, and we will learn capital Tt and Ii. Any uncompleted class work will be homework.

Math-We will learn sorting, ordering and comparing by weights and capacities.

Science- Seasons and Seeds

Class Work/Homework Schedule

Here is a list of the class work that your child will be doing each day. If they do not complete the work, it will be sent home as homework. There is only OFFICAL Reading homework each Tuesday and Thursday. Everything else sent home will be uncompleted class work. (Science papers do not need to be returned).

Phonics: 107
Handwriting: 99-100
Math: Review F17-F18

Phonics: 109-110
Math: F19-F20
Reading: Read for 20 minutes. You DO NOT have to return the books with stickers on them! Please return the other readers.

Wednesday- Aquarium of the Pacific

Phonics: 111
Handwriting: 103-104
Math: F21-F22
Reading: Read for 20 minutes.

Phonics: 113-114
Handwriting: 105-106
Math: F23-F24


*100th Day of School- The 100th Day of School was a success! Thank you to all of the parents who gave up their time and money to bless the children.

*Aquarium of the Pacific Field Trip- We will be taking our 3rd field trip on Wednesday, February 10th! The cost for each child is $10. The cost for each parent/chaperone is $6. If you and your child have a season pass, you only need to send in $4 with your child for gas money. Please have in the permission slips and the money ASAP.

Carpool lists will be sent home on Monday!

*Grandparent’s Day- Friday, February 12th! There will be a performance for the beloved Grandparents on the 12th. Your child will be singing a song for the performance. Lyrics will be sent home this week and posted on the blog. Check the GCS website for more information!

*No School- Monday, February 15th

*Rainbow Sight Words- Please practice the rainbow sight words with your child! If you lose your list, please check the blog. They are posted! These sight words are going to last us for the rest of the school year. Don’t feel like you have to make your child learn one row a week; that may be too excessive!

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